Monday, April 18, 2005

Music majors - end of year stuff

Reminders to all music majors:

  1. You are required to attend TWO off-campus recitals each semester. The penalties are severe! See the departmental web site for details. Bring me programs from your two recitals NO LATER than Thursday morning of finals week!
  2. Juries are Tuesday afternoon of finals week from 1 to 4 p.m. Signup sheet is posted on the chapel bulletin board. Please sign up for as early a time as possible!
  3. Our final studio recital of the year is this Thursday afternoon at 1 p.m. If you are performing, be sure that you or your teacher let me know what you're performing so I can type the program.

1 comment:

Ross Bernhardt said...

Since we're performing every other piece in the program, one piece is a little short to constitute an off-campus recital credit. Never hurts to ask, though!