Sunday, November 18, 2007

No rehearsals this week - Happy Thanksgiving!

We won't have rehearsals for either choir on Monday and Tuesday this week. (Voice students, we will have lessons as usual.) Take time to catch up on things you missed during tour, and gear up for a restful Thanksgiving break!

We'll meet as usual when we get back to get ready for Candlelight. We'll learn some new Christmas music for the service as well as performing a few things from tour. Dr. Goff and I would also like to do some audio and video recording; we really want to try to get a new promo CD out this year and have some video to put on the website.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving - see you next week!

Great tour!

Thank you SO MUCH for your hard work in presenting what I thought was a very successful tour. You displayed great professionalism and teamwork, and you were superb representatives for Lambuth University.

Coming down with pneumonia 2 weeks before tour was a real personal blow for me, because I didn't have the stamina and energy that I usually have during tour. I had been concerned that the missed rehearsals would set us back too far to be comfortable performing. You all really pulled together and made up for those setbacks, and I'm very, very grateful to you all!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Concert Choir selected for TMEA!

I just received word this morning that the Concert Choir has been selected to perform for the Tennessee Music Educators Association convention in April! This is a tremendous honor, and I am so proud of you!

For those of you who don't know what this is...
Each year choirs, bands, and orchestras from all over Tennessee send in tapes of their performances to audition for a performing slot at the state music educators convention. A panel of judges listens to the tapes and selects only a few of the VERY BEST ensembles to perform. And you are one of them!

I'm not crazy about sports, but I'll go ahead and use a sports analogy. It's sort of like winning the conference championship and going to the regional playoffs.


P.S. The convention is April 16-19. I'll let you know as soon as we have a specific performance date and time. We'll be performing at the Nashville Convention Center.

Concert Choir at chapel today

Concert Choir at Chapel 1:00 today
Blue shirts/khakis
Hugo Distler "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"

See you then!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Singers at Laity Banquet tonight

Singers - I talked with the person in charge of the banquet tonight, and they'd like to start the program between 6:45 and 7:00. So let's do this:

Let's meet at 6:40 in the Eagle's Nest to warm up briefly. Those of you assisting Dr. Goff with the Lalania Vaughan program, just zip over quickly as soon as you're done. Wear "dressy casual" clothes like we do for chapel services. We'll be performing the pieces we ran through on Thursday plus "Snow" and "My Love Dwelt in a Northern Land"--about 20 minutes worth of music. You'll be free to go once we're done.

If you have any questions, call me on my cell at 343-0620. See you this evening!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Calendar addition for Singers

Hey Lambuth Singers,

The President and Development people asked me this morning about having the Singers perform for the Alumni Banquet again this year. It's on Friday night of Homecoming Weekend. They noticed that it's a long time to sit around, so they proposed that we come at the end to sing a few things plus the Alma Mater/Irish Blessing. I'll let you know the specific time ASAP, but I anticipate being there about 8:00 p.m. and getting done by 9:00 or so.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Your "dream" music building

We are having meetings soon with an architectural firm to discuss the possibility of renovating Epworth Hall for use as a music facility. The firm is asking us, "If you had your ideal music building, what would be in it?"

I'd like to pass this question on to you - particularly music majors, but also everyone else who attends classes or rehearsals in our current rooms. What would you like to include in your ideal musical learning environment?

Any and all comments appreciated!

Several announcements, reminders

Several things are coming up so I thought I'd remind you here:

Sunday, Oct. 7 - 6:30 p.m., Ballroom -
  • Singers perform for District Methodist Laity Banquet
  • dress is "dressy casual"
Tuesday, Oct. 9 -
  • new members - sing Alma Mater/Irish Blessing for me between now and then
  • 1:00 p.m. - Singers sing for chapel service - "dressy casual
  • "Ye Shall Have a Song" - notes completely learned by rehearsal time!

Thursday, Oct. 18 - 6:00 p.m., Chapel -
  • Community Open House - Concert Choir performs
Concert Choir has 11 rehearsals left until tour!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Good recording session Singers!


What FINE, MUSICAL singing you guys did yesterday! I was really pleased with the intonation, the text shaping, and particularly the blend, which was the best I've heard so far this semester. Thanks to Dr. Goff for lugging his gear over to record us! It's too bad we couldn't solve the AC hiss problem yesterday. You learn something new every day about how the Lambuth buildings are put together! We'll talk with Maintenance to get it turned off for our Concert Choir session next Thursday--or we may record in the Chapel, where I know how to turn the AC off!

Dr. Goff will be using the stuff we recorded to teach his productions class how to splice and cross-fade recording takes next week. As soon as they have it done, I'll post it online so you can listen.

Have a good weekend!

More about Hugo Distler

As I mentioned in rehearsal, Hugo Distler's life ended tragically by his own hand. Here's a link to a brief Wikipedia article about him if you'd like to read more detail.

P.S. - Altos, I was really pleased with the progress on "Ye Shall Have a Song" yesterday. Your parts are the hardest because they jump octaves and criss-cross so much, but it sounds like we have things pretty solid now.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Resurrection of the Lambuth choir blog!

As one of my colleagues has noted, I've allowed this blog to "languish into obscurity" this past semester. I'm going to correct that and plan to log on MUCH more often this year to post announcements, talk about choir events, and muse about music and life in general. I encourage you to stop by frequently, read my posts, and add comments of your own!

Friday, January 26, 2007

You Having Walked This Earth

Hi everyone,

Our recording of "You Having Walked This Earth" is now featured on the composer's website! Go to and you'll see a link on the home page.

I'm still fighting my upper respiratory infection--the Zithromax pack doesn't seem to be doing the job. Hopefully I'll be feeling better by Monday.


Monday, January 01, 2007

Classical/popular crossovers

Hi all,

I subscribe to a Yahoo news feed that looks up any news articles about choral music. Follow the link to read an interesting article about popular artists who cross over into what they think is "classical music".


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you had a Merry Christmas - I'm looking forward to more music-making with you in the coming year!