Monday, April 25, 2005

Lambuth Singers - rehearsal, tour update, dorm checkout

Hi Singers,

Rehearsal: Just a reminder that we will meet at 11:00 a.m. Thursday here in the Chapel to run through some things before going on tour. We shouldn't need to take long, provided you have everything memorized, and should be done by noon.

Tour: I've updated the tour itinerary to show some small changes to events on Tuesday and Wednesday. You can view it by clicking here. The Tuesday evening concert hasn't materialized; rather than try to schedule one at this late date, I'd like to schedule a late afternoon/early evening recording session in a church with a good acoustic, and then have the evening free. Jeanne Larson is checking on a good church for us, and hopefully she'll be able to get together with us that evening. On Wednesday we'll do the West End/Dealey Plaza sightseeing in the morning and sing at Hebron HS from 12:30-2:15 p.m. We'll be singing for their top choir of 30 singers, then they'll do their contest stuff for us, and I'll be working with them as well.

Dorm Checkout: For those of you wanting to wait until after tour to pack up your stuff to leave, Cameron Burton said just to be sure you have your stuff packed up and ready before you leave for tour; you'll then have until Sunday evening the 8th to empty the room and check out.

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