Monday, September 05, 2005

Hurricanes and communities

Hi folks,

I watched Dateline NBC this evening and the reports of how the people of New Orleans (those who end up returning there, anyway) will struggle for months, even years, to rebuild their community. But what constitutes a community? Is it a geographic area? A certain demographic of the population?

One of the things I really believe in is building "choral community". I have my thoughts on what that means, but would like to hear yours. What do you think constitutes a community? What makes an ensemble a community? What does it take to build a community?

Post comments as you feel inspired.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i kindof got to thinking about this, and..

i think a community is exactly what we have...that is, a group of at least somewhat similarly interested people.

there are communities of people who want to live in the same place, or play the same sport, or whatever..

we're all interested in choir for whatever reason...some for the scholarship money, some for other things, but mostly for the "love of
music" to sound as cliche as possible.

however, what i think we're going for in this "community" idea is to take our fairly common interest in the choirs and music, and channel that into an even more concentrated common idea that is real and moving music which is more than just notes, it's a feeling.

that's kind of an intangible thought, but i think it takes everyone having the same goal with all of our music and really concentrating on that goal both in concerts as well as rehearsals to gain that "communal" sense

just like in other communities, like cities or sports teams, it doesn't have to involve being best friends with everybody(although it can), we just have to be on the same page with each other.

anyway, thats what i think, so there 's that