Sunday, March 06, 2005

Bravo to Meghan!

Kudos to Meghan Arnold for an outstanding senior recital this afternoon! Meghan woke up this morning with a bad sore throat but put forth everything she had like a true professional! There was a high Bb in the Carlisle Floyd aria that was simply stunning - those of you not in attendance will have to listen to her CD. And wasn't it nice to have alum Casey Webber back to play guitar with her at the end?

For those non-Lambuth visitors to the blog who'd like to see Meghan's recital program, a PDF file can be accessed by clicking here.

And woe to those of you who weren't there! For those music majors who didn't attend, remember that for every unexcused absence from an on-campus recital, your grade is lowered one letter for EACH and EVERY music course in which you are enrolled! This policy was approved by the music faculty last year and is prominently posted on the interdepartmental website. Unless you were in a car accident or in the hospital, expect a much lower GPA this semester....
Your dept. chair,


Anonymous said...

Way to go Meghan!!! For all who were there we know how good it was but for the ones who weren't, you truely missed out. Don't forget about my recital on Sunday, April 3rd at 3p.m. I would hate for anyones grade to be lowered because of their absence.

Steven Whitson

Anonymous said...

wow meghan that was awesome.....i enjoyed your program a whle lot. and steven would have to put in a plug for himself. just kiddin steven cant wait for ur recital too.


Anonymous said...

Good Job Meghan!! I enjoyed listening to you practice during those late night hours and the end result was FANTASTIC! However, I'm glad it's over...because now you'll be back at church :-D